woman drinking a sports drink

As an athlete, you’re constantly working on ways to maintain a physically strong and healthy body. Staying strong requires having enough energy and sometimes that leads to individuals consuming beverages that will give you high amounts on energy and caffeine. Many people drink energy and sports drinks when engaging in physically intensive activities thinking they are flavorful and healthy alternatives to water. Although many don’t realize that these sports drinks have a very negative effect on your teeth.

Energy and sports drinks can cause enamel erosion, gum disease, tooth decay and infected wisdom teeth.

There is this idea that soda has lots of sugar (which IS bad for your teeth) so drinking energy and sports drinks is better for your oral health. In fact, energy and sports drinks can cause 3 times more damage to your oral health than soda. What many don’t realize is that energy and sports drinks contain a lot of acid. A PH chart measures acid levels in certain foods and drinks – 1 being extremely acidic and 10+ being alkaline based, 7 being the neutral spot where you will find water.

PH Chart Oral Health

Drinks such as Gatorade, Monster, Redbull, and Rockstar all fall under the 1-3 acid levels. Patient Connect 365 offers the acid levels of the commonly consumed energy and sports drinks here. Acidic drinks like these can weaken your tooth enamel immediately and especially when consumed a lot over time. Also, when drinking these acidic beverages, make sure to drink water after to produce more saliva which protects your enamel. 

If you have a habit of drinking sports and energy drinks, do your best to consume these beverages in moderation. If you do choose to drink them, wait at least 30 minutes after drinking to brush your teeth – brushing too soon can be worse because your enamel is newly sensitive due to your beverage consumption.